Exhibition View, Kunsthaus Hamburg 2014 |
Machtspiele (Power Games) Size approx. 2,5 x 3,5 m, mixed media (nails, cotton thread) 1. Mantra - Sound The word power is spoken repeatedly by people from different countries in their mother tongue (german, english, spanisch, french and italian). What does the repetition do to the meaning? While speaking or hearing this, the term loses its significance and becomes more and more abstract like a mantra. The recordings are played in loops. The used languages also represent (former) colonial powers. There are always two speakers heard, one from the right, one from the left. Each speaker has a personal and individual rhythm, the voices overlap, go with or against the rhythm of the other. 2. Pulling the strings - signs The second part of the work is a draft of a universal flag. The function of a flag as a widely visible sign is dissolved by only using the basic part of it – the thread. The outlines in their neutral color remind of sports playgrounds. Frauke Hänke, 2014 |